To ensure that this exercise is fulfilled, there are certain factors that one should put into consideration. Hiking is a tiresome task and one needs maximum comfort while taking part in it and also one need to stay safe. To ensure this, one should carry the appropriate hiking gear and dress up in appropriate clothing. It is safe to wear hiking boots because they are rugged enough for the terrain, are waterproof and are comfortable. A hat is also in order to provide warmth in the cold or shade in the sun. Light but warm clothing should be put on, and one should always carry a spare set of clean dry clothes. Hikers are advised to refrain from carrying luggage that is too heavy because it may induce fatigue therefore doing more harm than good.
Other items that are up for consideration are first aid kits, candles, water purification, a big handkerchief that can double up as a water filter or a bandana, a towel, a sleeping bag and a tent in case one is forced to spend the night where he or she is, insect repellent, a box of matches among others. Though not necessary, one may opt to carry binoculars or a camera to enjoy the scenery.