After Rome, Paris is considered as the fashion and arts capital of Europe. The French culture is diverse and cosmopolitan, reflecting various regional influences as well as the recent immigration. For centuries France has held the role of a cultural world center and the capital, Paris, has played a role of the world center of revolutionary ideas in politics, arts and science.
France is prestigious for its civilized way of life, for style and great concern for appearances. French people can be perceived as taking a great pride in their national identity and the positive achievements of their country. The French are envied by other neighbored nations as being the most proud Europeans for their heritage and culture. They have even gained a reputation for being arrogant and seeing themselves as superior to every other nation. But the negative side of the French prudish character is greatly compensated with a seductive and overwhelming charm and an easygoing way of life.
The French are able to manage a happy balance between work and family, friends, life in general. They are a mix of rational and work driven culture of North Europeans combined with the relaxed and easy going South European way of life. Although the French people address each other in a formal way, calling each other Madame, Mademoiselle or Monsieur, they are showing at the same time a very informal way of greeting, by kissing on both cheeks. As a national particularity, the French are having a great interest in good food and quality wines.
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