Although some evidence has been found of pre-historic people in China, the first historical rule of a dynasty in the area is that of the Xia Dynasty. This dynasty was once contested by historians as being mythical, but some evidence has been found giving its authenticity. Many wars were fought between rival states during the years of the feudal dynasties and eventually a unified Chinese empire was born in 221 BC. One of the most culturally important eras of Chinese rule was that of the Han Dynasty; its culture has endured into modern times. The era of the Han Dynasty saw China as the world’s largest economy thanks to military expansion and trade of materials such as silk.
The teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who lived from 551 to 479 BC, are still important to Chinese culture. His theories of ethics, society, and politics were solidified during the Han Dynasty. The basic elements of Confucianism are that secular things are regarded as sacred; it can be compared to modern humanism. It focuses on the importance of altruism, family, acts of goodness, and proper behavior in a community. Although the theories of Confucianism changed slightly with ingoing and outgoing Chinese empires, the core concepts have always remained and are still cherished by some of China’s great thinkers. Certainly, these teachings should be viewed as an important world heritage.